Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Download Games For PSP

The PSP has been on the market for a few years now and is a great portable gaming device. You can download games for your PSP but sometimes you may find it difficult to search for games to download on your PSP.

Here are a few points to keep in mind when downloading games for PSP

PSP Firmware

The PSP firmware is like the operating system of the PSP. It controls all the software and hardware functions of the PSP. Each batch of PSP firmware is different. Only earlier firmware versions are able to play downloaded games for psp. These are psp firmware version 1.00 and 1.50.

To check your PSP firmware version, go to system settings menu and select it. Then select system information and select the option system software. It will tell you the firmware version for your PSP.

Playing movies and mp3 are fine, only downloaded games. There are some emulators or PSP hacks that can get past this limitation since all new PSP shipped nowadays have firmware 2.00 and above. However, it is not safe and may actually damage the firmware of your PSP.

PSP Emulators

There are many PSP software emulators on the internet that allows you to play old console games. Examples are nintendo, super nintendo, game boy advance and sega genesis.

There are some arguments about the legality of such emulators at present but unless you are distributing or selling such emulators, there should be nothing to worry about.

There are some games that are “homebrew”. It means PSP games created by amateurs for fun or who wants to study how games are made on the PSP. These are pretty rudimentary and simple and unless you enjoy games such as pong or invaders, you might want to give it a miss.

PSP Game Download Sites

There are quite a number of psp game download sites on the internet. Some are legal and some are not. Be careful when loading games from such sites as you may be violating copyright laws.

There are a few that are legal psp game download sites. Most require a one time membership fee that allows you to download unlimited PSP games.

I highly recommend if you are interested in such sites to use these legal sites as they are safer and usually provide better support and download speeds. They have many download games for psp as well as movies, mp3 as well.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to Put Movies On Your PSP

Have you been pulling your hair out trying to put movies on your PSP? Many folks know it can be done but are confused on how to do it.

I am going to give you my quick and easy recipe for putting movies and video on your PSP. There are only a few steps and it is a cinch on you know how.

First like any recipe...You have your ingredients:

512 MB Pro Duo Stick (This is what holds your movie files (MP4)

DVD Player installed in your computer

DVD Ripper (This pulls the movie from the DVD to your computer)

PSP Video Converter (converts movie and video files to MP4 format that you watch on your PSP.)

(Note: There is software that has both the DVD Ripper and Converter combined)

USB Cable

1. Load your DVD and fire up your DVD ripper, select the movie or video you want to put on your PSP and hit the "extract" or "rip" button. Tell it where you want to save the file to.

2. If you already have movie and/or video files on your pc then all you need to do is hit "add" from your DVD ripper and tell it where you want to save the file to.

3. Select the file that you saved to your computer and hit the "extract and/or encode" button from your PSP video converter and save that file.

3. If you have DVD Ripper/PSP Video converter combo software...You can combine steps 1,2 and 3.

At this point you have the files on your PC...and they are in the correct format.

4. How to download or transfer your movies to PSP? Just connect your PSP with your PC with the USB cable, and create a folder on your Memory Stick called "MP_ROOT." and create a sub-folder called "100MNV01." under it. Copy your MP4 files to this location (no need to copy the .HTM files).

5. Now on your PSP go to video and memory stick and watch your movie!

That's it. It is real simple to put movies on your PSP!

Travis Sago is a computer technician and PSP enthusiast and fanatic. Don't have a good DVD ripper or psp video converter? You can learn more at


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

PSP Wallpaper Downloads

The PSP has been out for a few years now and anyone that has a PSP will tell you that buying all the the PSP games, music and movies can get quite expensive. Don't worry though, there are ways to save cash on your PSP gaming needs...

To save money you could get PSP wallpaper downloads from the Internet. There are several sites out there that will let you get PSP wallpaper downloads for free although many of these websites are usually just designed to infect your computer that owns spyware.

These freebie sites usually have very slow download speeds and can be terribly unreliable. If you are looking to PSP wallpaper downloads safely then there are websites out there that can be trusted.

There are plenty of websites that actually manage their databases of PSP wallpaper downloads and they keep out all of the garbage.

These PSP wallpaper downloads websites usually charge a small fee but if you can find the right site the fee is terribly minimal. For under $50 you should be able to find a site that will let you psp wallpaper downloads at very fast speeds.

These PSP wallpaper downloads websites will also give you access to millions of different PSP files including PSP games, movies, wallpapers, themes and much much more.

Many of these PSP wallpaper downloads websites will allow you to download unlimited PSP stuff once you have paid for your membership so you won't have to pay high per download fees.

The best PSP wallpaper downloads site I've found actually includes the software that you need to transfer the PSP files to your handheld device making it one neat little package.

There is no doubt about it that PSP's are completely blowing up right now and finding a good website so you can PSP wallpaper downloads can prove to be a good move that will save you lots of cash.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How to Downgrade Your PSP

"Downgrade Psp?" you ask, what the heck is that? Well if you have had your Psp for a little while now you might have heard of a downgrade or downgrading you Psp. When referring to a downgrade you are talking about returning your PSP firmware to an earlier version which has exploits that certain smart people could take advantage of, in this case we are talking about firmware version 1.50.

When Sony found out that there were exploits that could enable people to play games that weren't released by Sony themselves they released Firmware Updates (this was known as Upgrading your PSP) in the hope that this would make PSP users only purchase Sony UMD Games and Sony UMD Movies. Much to the annoyance of Sony once they started releasing firmware updates people started to try and find ways to hack the firmware so they could return the PSP back to a 1.50 which would once again allow them to play other games.

These other games and applications are known as "Homebrew" and are developed by programmers who want to release these games and applications free of charge to other PSP users around the world. This is the big attraction of a PSP Downgrade and is why people take the risk of downgrading their PSP. Currently there are 100's if not 1000's of homebrew games and applications available to download for free. Not only are there homebrew games available for the PSP user who has gone through the PSP Downgrade process but there are also 1000's of "old school" games that you can play on you downgraded PSP, games like Donkey Kong, Mario Brothers and more.

"So can you downgrade any PSP?", well at the time of writing you can downgrade any PSP that is firmware version 3.03 and below, this includes PSP's with the TA-082 motherboards which up until a short time ago were not able to be downgraded with ease. Unfortunately those with a PSP that is higher than 3.03 cannot downgrade as of yet but it is only expected to be a matter of time before a downgrader is made for those particular models.

All you have to do if you have one of the PSP's that can be downgraded is find the correct downgrader. You must make sure that you use the correct downgrader or you risk bricking (rendering inoperable) your PSP. Once you have found the appropriate software to downgrade it, make sure you follow the instructions exactly as they are printed. If you do not follow those instructions exactly you will again brick your PSP. Once you brick your PSP your only option is to get it Mod-Chipped which would cost you around $100 or use it as a rather expensive paperweight.

The benefits of doing a PSP downgrade are numerous, the free games and applications, the DVD collection that you can back up and watch on you PSP all make the risk worth the reward.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Download Free Games For The PSP

So you're looking to download free games for the PSP, will this article may just help you out. Right now, as you read this, there are literally thousands of free games that you can download for your PSP. When most people think of downloading free games for the PSP they are thinking Sony umd games, but this isn't always the case. The fact is right now, depending on what firmware you are running,you can be downloading and playing games within five minutes.

If you are looking to download free games to your PSP then the fact is that you will first have to downgrade your PSP. Downgrading means we change the system firmware to an earlier version, in this case are 1.50. This particular firmware allows us to take advantage of some built and exploits in the PSP, which means we can actually download games off the Internet and play them. Now there are an abundance of sites currently on at the Internet that proclaim to have thousands if not millions of games, ready for you to download on your PSP (which by the way is a load of crap). They neglect to mention that you have to have a downgraded PSP to be able to download all these free games.Now for those who have a 1.50 PSP or who have downgraded to a 1.50, the doors are now wide open to the world of downloading free games for your PSP.

Okay, let's just assume you have the 1.50 PSP, because really that's what you need to download free games. From here we can do a range of things. Firstly, we can download an emulator which will allow us to play old school games. These emulators basically turn our PSP's into Game Boy's, Nintendo's and Sega Master Systems in fact, you can just about get any of the earlier handheld consoles and play those games on your PSP providing you find the correct emulator. This means that there are literally thousands of games that you could download for free and play them on your PSP.

You can also download games made for the PSP, known as homebrew games. These games have been made by PSP enthusiasts who know a bit about programming and have made their very own games for the PSP community. These homebrew programmers want you to try out their games and they want you to help develop, play and make them better. Now again, there are hundreds if not thousand of these types of games available to you to download for free.

Now you're probably asking " what about umd games, can I download these? ", will the truth is, "yes" you can in fact download umd games as well, although only in certain situations. If you are to download a umd game off the Internet (and there are a lot to download) you should own the original umd game or else you are stealing property, which is against the law, and rightfully so. Please do not download games that you are not legally entitled to do so.

Now remember, all of this means nothing unless you have downgraded your PSP first of all, so before you can even contemplate downloading free games for the PSP you better find out how you can downgrade your PSP.

There are a stack of places on the Internet which will tell you how to downgrade your PSP. But be very careful where you get your software and your instructions on how to do the downgrade because if it all goes wrong, which is quite easy if you don't follow instructions exactly, you will be left with a brick (brick meaning to PSP that is useless, or good for a brick).

My advice is to downgrade your PSP today, so, you too can enjoy the benefits of downloading free games for your PSP.


How To Download Free PSP Games

Congratulations on your purchase of the new PSP. Ready to download free PSP games? By now you have probably gotten tired of playing the same game over and over, and you are tired of spending a fortune to buy new games. PSP games can cost anywhere from $30-$60 each, and once you have conquered the game, it will most likely get pretty boring to play it over and over. Therefore you may end up spending quite a bit to get new games all the time. The great thing, though, is that there are a number of sites on the internet that allow you to download free PSP games to your computer. Then all you do is transfer them to your PSP handheld device.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? The problem you will face with these download free PSP game sites it that you will only be able to download the demo version of the game, not the full length version. If you do find a site out there that allows downloads of a full version, you will most likely get hit with all kinds of adware. Moreover, the selection that is offered is very miniscule. You may even find that it takes an eternity to download anything from these sites.

So how do you download free PSP games that are both full length games and come without the adware? Many sites require that you become a member in order to download the full length version for free. This membership usually comes with either a monthly or yearly fee. Once you pay the membership fee, you can download unlimited games to play on your PSP. Sometimes however you may be required to pay a small fee for each download. Remember, though, that you get what you pay for.

If you choose to become a member, you will be able to download as many games as you want. Then you simply transfer them over to either your memory card or to your PSP handheld. All you have to do is find the file on your computer, and drag and drop it into the corresponding drive. Then from your PSP handheld, you go into the games menu, and select memory stick. This will bring up your downloaded game. Simply highlight it and press the X button to play.


Download Free PSP Wallpapers

Imagine having the ability to hold an entire multifaceted entertainment system that fits within your own hands. Compact enough to carry with you anywhere, the PSP system makes the vision a reality. In March 2005, the Sony Computer Entertainment Company developed the PSP (PlayStation Portable System).

The PSP system is a handheld, wireless, portable entertainment device. The system has the ability to run highly developed video game products, as well as the ability to view live, pre-recorded television, listen to music through your own music downloads, view photos, videos and video slide shows, and enjoy full length feature films. A wireless connection to the Internet is also available through the device. All images are displayed upon a widescreen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).

The PSP system maintains quality through ongoing downloads through the PlayStation website. PSP users have the ability to routinely obtain software updates for the system as well as add a variety of content to their system, such as game demos, game trailers, game audio tracks, screenshots, and PSP wallpaper.

A PSP user connects directly from their PSP system to the PlayStation website. Once the user has reached the website, they have several different options in downloads. PSP wallpaper can be obtained through the Content Pack, which is available free through the PlayStation website. If the user chooses to download the Content Pack, the pre-selected data within the Content Pack is automatically downloaded to the users PSP device.

The PSP system offers more than one-hundred and thirty-five games available for download. PSP wallpaper may include certain PSP game picture content or PSP movie photos. Once the PSP wallpaper has been chosen and downloaded, the photo will remain on the main LCD screen until the user chooses to remove it or chooses another option.

Currently, the PlayStation website has one-hundred and eight PSP wallpaper choices available for download. Choices include, but are not limited to, Pursuit Force, ATV Off Road Fury Pro, XMen Legends II, and Dragon BallZ. Personal photos may also be downloaded to the PSP handheld device and viewed on the main LCD screen as well. Movies and photos are also available for download on the PSP system. Through the utilization of a memory stick, this data can been downloaded and saved to the PSP system for use at any time.

In order to make this highly efficient handheld portable device even more efficient, the PSP system offers a plethora of accessories such as headphones with remote, AC adapter, car adapter, carrying case, extended life battery, and battery charger. Yet to be released in the United States, Sony Computer Entertainment has developed The Chotto Shot, which is a camera and a GPS device that can be attached to the PSP device. With the addition of this device, users will have the ability to take their own photographs on the PSP device and download the picture for their PSP wallpaper. The Chotto Shot has been released in Japan as of December 2006 but has yet to have a release date for the United States.

The development of a multifaceted, handheld, portable entertainment system is a remarkable step for our generation and for other generations to come. The future of both entertainment and gaming devices is wide open.
