Monday, March 26, 2007

How To Download Free PSP Games

Congratulations on your purchase of the new PSP. Ready to download free PSP games? By now you have probably gotten tired of playing the same game over and over, and you are tired of spending a fortune to buy new games. PSP games can cost anywhere from $30-$60 each, and once you have conquered the game, it will most likely get pretty boring to play it over and over. Therefore you may end up spending quite a bit to get new games all the time. The great thing, though, is that there are a number of sites on the internet that allow you to download free PSP games to your computer. Then all you do is transfer them to your PSP handheld device.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? The problem you will face with these download free PSP game sites it that you will only be able to download the demo version of the game, not the full length version. If you do find a site out there that allows downloads of a full version, you will most likely get hit with all kinds of adware. Moreover, the selection that is offered is very miniscule. You may even find that it takes an eternity to download anything from these sites.

So how do you download free PSP games that are both full length games and come without the adware? Many sites require that you become a member in order to download the full length version for free. This membership usually comes with either a monthly or yearly fee. Once you pay the membership fee, you can download unlimited games to play on your PSP. Sometimes however you may be required to pay a small fee for each download. Remember, though, that you get what you pay for.

If you choose to become a member, you will be able to download as many games as you want. Then you simply transfer them over to either your memory card or to your PSP handheld. All you have to do is find the file on your computer, and drag and drop it into the corresponding drive. Then from your PSP handheld, you go into the games menu, and select memory stick. This will bring up your downloaded game. Simply highlight it and press the X button to play.



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